11th HEPEX webinar: HEPEX@Christmas: Past, present, and yet to come

snowman_christmas_gift-wideHEPEX summarizes 2013 from a hydrological perspective in this Christmas special. The seminar will be divided into 5 blocks.

Presenters: Fredrik Wetterhall and Florian Pappenberger with special guests

Date and time: Thursday, December 19, 2013 3:30 pm GMT Time (London, GMT)

Register: https://ecmwf.webex.com/ecmwf/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=951257036

The seminar will cover these topics

1. What happened in 2013? An overview of the major flood events.

2. Developments and activities:
The development of the new HEPEX portal
The special issue on Hydrological ensemble prediction systems in Hydrological Processes

3. What we foresee for 2014:
Playing games with forecasts – 2014 edition
HEPEX SIP and challenges for the next decade

4. Meeting people in 2014
HEPEX have now existed 10 years: let’s celebrate!
The HEPEX meeting in 2014 will be in USA, more details to come
ECMWF plans to have a Hydrology week in collaboration with HSAF in November 2014

5. Open floor for the public and closure. HEPEX wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and promise to be back with more Webinars in 2014!

Reminder: You can watch all previous presentations on YouTube [click here]



  1. Do not forget tomorrows event!

  2. If you missed the event, the seminar is now available on our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnEChKZu15Q

    Best wsihes for the holidays, and see you again next year!

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