13th HEPEX Webinar: An overview of NOAA’s second-generation global ensemble reforecast data set

Speaker: Tom Hamill

Date and time: Thursday, February 27, 2014, 15:30 UTC

Register: https://ecmwf.webex.com/ecmwf/onstage/g.php?t=a&d=952488674

Abstract: NOAA scientists recently completed the generation of a ~30 year, daily medium-range global ensemble reforecast data set that uses roughly the same NCEP Global Ensemble Forecast System that was made operational in 2012. We maintain a hard-disk archive of 99 different output fields at the NOAA Earth System Research Lab in Boulder, which are readily accessible via web interface or ftp. An archive of the full model state is also available from US Department of Energy computers. In this webinar I will provide more information on the data set, will demonstrate several uses of reforecasts, including the statistical post-processing of precipitation forecasts, and will describe how to access the data.

 Tom Hamill

Tom Hamill

About the speaker: Tom Hamill is a scientist with NOAA’s Earth System Research Lab in Boulder, Colorado. Tom has been affiliated with NOAA for the last 14 years. Prior to that, Tom was a post-doctoral fellow at NCAR and got his Ph.D. from Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, with a dissertation topic on short-range ensemble forecasting. Tom has published extensively on topics related to probabilisitic weather prediction, including ensemble-based data assimilation, statistical post-processing, and ensemble forecast verification. Tom is co-chair of the World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) Data Assimilation and Observing Systems committee and has been a member of the WMO Working Group on Numerical Experimentation for the last six years. Tom was one of the founding members of HEPEX and was co-host for HEPEX’s second workshop in Boulder, Colorado in 2005.


  1. Thanks Tom for a very interesting talk. If you missed it is now posted on our youtube-channel http://www.youtube.com/user/HEPEXWebinars.

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