Special Issue on Drought forecasting and warning

introSpecial issue in Hydrology and Earth System Sciences on Drought forecasting and warning. As of 15 June 2013, authors can submit their contributions by using the online registration form on the HESS website. The deadline for submission is 15 Dec 2013.



Drought is recognised as a major environmental risk, affecting communities globally. The impacts of drought are expected to increase due to changes in climate variability, as well as due to the increasing pressure on already scarce water resources. This calls for an increasing need of adaptation. Drought forecasting and warning is increasingly considered an integral part of managing drought risk and drought management planning, but requires a comprehensive framework that includes a sequence of important steps; starting with monitoring, through forecasting and warning, and resulting importantly in a response of affected societies through which expected impacts are reduced.

This special issue invites contributions in the area of drought forecasting and warning.

For any questions on the special issue please ask any of the guest editors:

  • Florian Pappenberger – ECMWF
  • Shreedhar Maskey – UNESCO-IHE
  • Elena Toth – University of Bologna
  • Alfred Opere – ICPAC &  University of Nairobi
  • Micha Werner – UNESCO-IHE & Deltares



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