What will happen next week at EGU 2017 in hydrological forecasting?

The EGU 2017 Annual General Assembly will take place next week, from 23–28 April 2017 in Vienna. Once again, researchers, professors, early career scientists and practitioners interested in any of the fields covered by geosciences, including hydrological sciences, atmospheric sciences and natural hazards, will be together to present and discuss their work.

The meeting program includes about 1,000 sessions and over 17,500 abstracts, of which over 200 contributions will be presented in 8 scientific and operational-focused sessions organized by the sub-division on Hydrological Forecasting.

Here you can find a list of what will be presented in relation to hydrological forecasting and of some main events to guide you through the week in Vienna:

On the first day, after the first morning coffee break, join us at the flash floods session, which will start with 6 oral presentations at 10:30 and will display 21 posters at the end of the day in Hall A:

  • 10:30–12:00 / Room 2.31: Flash floods and associated hydro-geomorphic processes – Learn more about flash flood characterization with an X-Band weather radar in the Eastern Mediterranean region, the geomorphic response associated to four large floods in Northern Italy, flash flood risk assessment in France and Germany, or flash flood forecasting and early warning systems over Europe.
  • POSTER SESSION 17:30–19:00 / Hall A: Come to discuss with poster presenters and meet colleagues of the Hydrological Forecasting sub-division.

On the second day, we do not have specific sessions organized by the Hydrological Forecasting sub-division, but several other sub-divisions are offering a rich program. Just as examples, see, for instance:

This is the day of our operational forecasting and warning system PICO session (as already mentioned in a previous blog post by Mike Cranston).

  • 08:30–12:00 / PICO Spot A: Operational forecasting and warning systems for natural hazards – This year, we have 28 interactive presentations at PICO screens. Several applications will be presented and we will also have the “traditional” game presentation, which, this year, was prepared by Louise Arnal et al.: Pathways to designing and running an operational flood forecasting system: an adventure game. Just come and try it yourself!
NEW!!   Short course on Hydrological Forecasting

It is co-organized by HEPEX and the Early Career Scientists (ECS), convened by Shaun Harrigan. The course will be given by Marie-Amélie Boucher and Jan Verkade. Check the blog post recently published for more details. Attendance is open to everybody and will be on the basis of first come, first served!

Wed, 26 Apr, 17:30–20:00 at Room -2.91

A long day with several Hydrological Forecasting sessions is waiting for you on Thursday:

The Division meeting for Hydrological Sciences (HS) will be convened by Elena Toth, on Thu, 27 Apr, 12:15–13:15 / Room B. It is the opportunity  to learn more about the way sessions related to Hydrological Sciences  are organized at the EGU Assembly. You’re all welcome!

Scientific sessions continue in the afternoon:

  • POSTER SESSION 17:30–19:00, will be mainly in Hall A, but also in Hall X4 (post-processing) and Hall X3 (coupled systems) for the co-organized sessions above.
  • Another tradition in Vienna: the HEPEX social gathering @ EGU. As in last year, it will be co-organized with partners of the IMPREX H2020 project. It will take place on Thursday evening at 8pm (restaurant will be confirmed at EGU). Since reservations have to be made in advance, and places are limited, please, contact Louise Arnal or Rebecca Emerton before Monday 24 April if you want to join us.

Last day of the EGU Assembly and again a full day of presentations:

  • 08:30–12:00 / Room 2.95: From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections: predicting hydrologic extremes and servicing water managers, with presentations on society vulnerability to extremes and the use of seasonal forecasts to improve water resources management.
The  meeting of the Sub-Division on Hydrological Forecasting will be convened by MH Ramos, on Fri, 28 Apr, 12:15–13:15 / Room 2.83
It is open to everybody. Come and join us, notably if you want to meet colleagues or get more involved in the organization of sessions and short courses related to hydrological forecasting at EGU in 2018.

Scientific sessions continue in the afternoon:

  • 13:30–17:00 / Room 2.95: Ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasting. Our traditional HEPEX session will be opened by Andy Wood’s talk on “Over-The-Loop ensemble streamflow forecasting in US watersheds”. It will be followed by talks on ensemble calibration, sensitivity analysis, ensemble nowcasting, and the use of satellites and tweets in flood disaster management. After a coffee break, you will have the opportunity to learn more about two projects, EDgE and GloFAS-Seasonal, and on recent progress on the skill of seasonal hydrological forecasts.

POSTER SESSION 17:30–19:00 in Hall A. NOTE: If you played last year’s game on Weighing costs and losses with Micha Werner (or also if you didn’t), you may be curious to learn more about the results that he will show in his poster. Come to the poster Hall A to get information and exchange ideas on the topic.

As you can see there is plenty to see and do in Vienna. See you there!


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