AGU Informational Meeting on the Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX)

Contributed by Andy Wood, Nathalie Voisin and John Schaake

We encourage all new and long-time members of the HEPEX community, and others interested in hydrological forecasting, to gather at the AGU Fall Meeting HEPEX ‘Splinter’ Meeting in San Francisco, CA, on Wednesday, December 11th.

The event is listed in the conference program as:SanFrancisco

EVENT186. Hydrological Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX) Splinter Meeting. Wednesday, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Sierra E (San Francisco Marriott Marquis — see below).

The main goals of the meeting is informational, ie, for existing members to touch base and for new members to be able to ask questions about HEPEX and provide input or feedback — ie, your ideas to make HEPEX better!

HEPEX members will discuss current activities, including:

  • Plans and Progress on the Handbook of Ensemble Hydrometeorological Forecasting
  • Plans for an upcoming HEPEX 10th Anniversary Meeting in June 2014
  • The HEPEX Blog/Webpage
  • The HEPEX visit to the GEWEX GHP/GDAP panel meeting
  • HEPEX involvement in the other WMO initiatives
  • Other upcoming HEPEX-sponsored events

We regret that, due to costs, food will not be provided and you may wish to bring your own lunch.  We look forward to seeing you!

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