Summer School on Drought Hazard and Management: Challenges in a Changing World

Contributed by Henny van Lanen

EDClogoDrought as a hazard and the options for reducing the associated risks are receiving increasing attention by policy makers and scientists. Emphasis is in risk-based management and improved drought preparedness to mitigate the impacts of droughts on society, economy and the environment. In particular, the development of drought management plans is fostered on evidence-based decision support and making.

The five-day Summer School will cover three topics:
1.        drought hazard characterisation and forecasting
2.        drought impact assessment, and
3.        drought management

Location: Hermoupolis, Syros (Greece), 16-20 June 2014.

Target audience: The school is addressed to Master and PhD students, as well as junior scientists, studying or conducting research primarily on drought-related topics (hazard, impacts & management) or on water management in dry/water scarce regions.

Summer School participants will be selected based upon a letter of motivation and their Curriculum Vitae. There is no registration fee, no accommodation cost and no cost for course material. Some participants will receive travel funds.

Application deadline: 28 February 2014

For more details see: [here]

The Summer School is an activity organized as part of the EU-funded FP7 project DROUGHT-R&SPI. For more information and news from DROUGHT-R&SPI, you can visit the website at:


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