H-SAF and HEPEX workshops on coupled hydrology

Fig14_1ECMWF  hosted the combined H-SAF and HEPEX workshops in November:

3-6 November: H-SAF
5-7 November: HEPEX

Full programme HERE

Register HERE

The two workshops are organised next to each other and will be an opportunity to exchange information and interact within the hydrological and NWP communities. H-SAF and HEPEX tend to be complementary in expertise so that bringing them together can fuel discussions towards new applications.

Common sessions/working groups are envisaged on Wednesday or Thursday morning to enable interactions between HEPEX and H-SAF.

The HEPEX part of the workshop is co-sponsored by UNESCO’s FRIEND programme.

The workshop is open to everybody involved in this research area. There is no registration fee and no funds are available to assist participants with their travel arrangements. The deadline for poster applications is the 15 October 2014, but we will have space for late registrations.

More information, programme and registrations information can be found here and is also presented below.

If you cannot join in person, the HEPEX part of the workshop will be broadcasted live through webex. You can join the web broadcast at any time, but to be sure not to miss it you can pre-register by following the links below. The sessions will also be announced through twitter and the mailing list at the time of the event.

Wed 5 November: Joint H-SAF HEPEX Plenary session

Sign up for the Wednesday web-broadcast here

14:00-14:15  Fredrik Wetterhall (ECMWF)  HEPEX introduction to H-SAF
14:15-14:45  Peter Salamon (JRC)  Use of HSAF in HEPEX system (The European Flood Awareness System)
15:45-15:15  Flavio Gattari (Telespazio)  H-SAF introduction to HEPEX

Coffee break

15:45-16:15  Dmytro Lisniak (BfG)  Assimilation of H–SAF Snow Water Equivalent and Soil Moisture products into the rainfall-runoff model HBV
16:15-16:45  Oscar Rojas (FAO)  Agricultural Drought Monitoring based on remote sensing data and the use of ECMWF data to support FAO Global Information and Early Warning System (GIEWS)

Thur 6 November: HEPEX Plenary session

Sign up for the Thursday web-broadcast here

09:30-10:00 Julius Wellens-Mensah (WMO) WMO’s Expectations on Applications of Satellite Information to Hydrology and Water Resources

09:30-10:00  Dirk Schwanenberg (Duisburg-Essen & Deltares)  Assimilating H-SAF Snow Product Data (snow coverage, snow water equivalent and soil moisture) into a rainfall-runoff conceptual model

10:00-10:20  Maria-Helena Ramos (IRSTEA)  The value of hydrological ensemble predictions for reservoir inflow management

Coffee break

10:50-11:10  Hannah Cloke (Reading University, FRIEND network)  Improved understanding of flood extremes

Session summary followed by lunch break

14:10-14:30  Adrian Wynn (Flood Forecasting Centre, Met Office)  Current and future developments in high resolution ensemble forecasting at the Flood Forecasting Centre

14:30-15:00  Kristie Franz (UCLA)  Assimilation of snow data in ensemble streamflow prediction

15:00-15:30  Yuqiong Liu (NASA)  Snow assimilation for river streamflow

Coffee Break and poster session

16:30-17:00  Albert van Dijk (ANU)  Assimilation of soil moisture and evaporation in hydrological forecasting

17:00-17:30  Luis Samaniego (UFZ Leipzig)  Calibration in hydrology

Fri 7 November: HEPEX Plenary session

Sign up for the Friday web-broadcast here

09:00-09:30  Jan Verkade (i. Deltares; ii. Rijkswaterstaat River Forecasting Service; iii. Delft University of Technology)  Post-processing ECMWF precipitation and temperature ensemble reforecasts for operational hydrologic forecasting at various spatial scales

09:30-10:00  Tom Pagano (Australian Bureau of Meteorology)  Operational hydrometeorological forecasting activities of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology

Coffee Break and posters

11:30-12:00 Patrick Matgen (Lippmann)  Data assimilation of flood inundation

12:00-12:30 Albrecht Weerts (Deltares)  OpenDA/Discharge assimilation


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