Celebrating the new hydrological year with a new HEPEX blog year: Let’s co-generate the HEPEX blog global pattern
Happy New Hydrological Year!!
According to USGS and based on meteorological and geographical factors, the hydrological year is defined as the period between October 1st of one year and September 30th of the next year. Driven by this, HEPEX will set for this year a new interactive approach for scheduling the blogs with and for the community.
The blog has been our channel to communicate scientific achievements, insights and developments. As a blogger, you do not need to be outstanding in the field, just to work and be in love with hydrological / hydro-meteorological ensemble predictions. If this is the case, then the community will love to hear more about your experience.
If you want to know how easy it is to write a blog, read some simple steps HERE
For this new HEPEX year, we set up a new challenge in which we can all contribute and reach a great outcome. The challenge is “Building the HEPEX blog pattern of the contributing countries/members”.
This co-generated visualization would be a map of coloured countries from which blogs are scheduled in a chronological order for the coming hydrological year.
From a world without a color to the HEPEX blog global pattern
Please get back to us (blog@hepex.org) by the mid of November with the title of your blog, name of your organisation and months (or week) you would like to have the blog out. Doing so, we will be able to present the HEPEX blog pattern to the community by the end of 2020.
To schedule your blog, send an email to blog@hepex.org (or if you want to email and discuss an idea first, that’s fine too!) with the month (or even week) of interest and country of your organisation. We will then do the nice work to update your country domain with a color.