Data Assimilation for Operational Hydrology and Water Management
Contributed by Prof. DJ Seo, University of Texas at Arlington (Texas)
Data assimilation is alive and well in HEPEX!
The 3rd International Workshop on Data Assimilation for Operational Hydrology and Water Management of the Hydrologic Ensemble Prediction Experiment (HEPEX-DAFOH III) was held jointly with the 6th International Workshop on Catchment Hydrological Modeling and Data Assimilation (CAHMDA-VI) in Austin, Texas, USA, September 8-12, 2014.
As a continuation of the past successful workshops of CAHMDA and HEPEX-DAFOH, the Austin workshop focused on assessing recent advances in modeling, observations, and data assimilation approaches with a goal to understand, observe and predict hydrological processes and to build synergism with operational hydrology.

The five CAHMDA sessions were focused on extreme events: detection, modeling and predictability, utilization of multi-source observations, and data assimilation development and evaluation. The three DAFOH sessions were focused on developing synergism with operational hydrology, advancing data assimilation science for operational hydrology, and real-world applications of data assimilation in operational hydrology.
In addition to the workshop, two pre-workshop data assimilation training courses, data assimilation with DART and OpenDA, were given by Drs. Tim Hoar of NCAR and Albrecht Weerts of Deltares, respectively, and one-day post-workshop excursions were organized.
The program and presentations are available at