EGU25: Unmissable Sessions, Insights, and Networking Opportunities!
If you are planning to attend the EGU 2025 Annual General Assembly—whether in person or online—this blog is a must-read!
The HEPEX community of practice will gather at EGU25 (27 April – 2 May, Vienna) to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest scientific and operational advancements in hydrological forecasting.
To help you navigate the event, we have compiled key sessions you won’t want to miss. And if you are looking to connect with fellow HEPEXers and EC-HEPEXers, you can usually find them on the red level at the Vienna International Centre.
The Vienna International Centre
This year the sub-division on Hydrological Forecasting (HS4) will run 9 sessions focusing on topics like:
- Forecasting hydrological extremes: (flash) floods, droughts and water scarcity
- Improving and quantifying forecasting methodologies and uncertainties
- Operational and impact forecasting, preparedness and decision making
- Hybrid hydrological forecsating using physically-based and machine-learning models
Prior to highlighting the relevant sessions, we would like to draw your attention into:
- The social HEPEX/EC-HEPEX evening is scheduled for Thursday (1 May) at 20.45 at the Melker Stiftskeller (Schottengasse 3, 1010 Wien, Austria) restaurant. If you want to join it, please register HERE before Tuesday 22 April. The reservation is for 60 people, so “first-come first-served”!
- HS4 conveners, authors and members, particularly ECS, are invited to the Hydrological Forecasting (HS4) sub-division meeting. Wednesday (30th April) 12:45-13:45, Room 2.32.
- Contribute to the HEPEXmusic Spotify playlist!
Feel free to add your favourite song and enjoy listening during EGU – click, listen & add your song!
Our flood forecasts will kick off in “real-time” on Tuesday, together with all our virtual posters!
Also make sure to attend the Division meeting for Hydrological Sciences and the Henry Darcy Medal Lecture by Jan Seibert!
- HS4.8: Real-time flood forecasting and early warning systems: data analytics, modelling, and applications
Orals – 08:30–10:15, Room 2.31
Posters on site – 10:45-12:30, Hall A
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
12:45–13:45, Room B
Posters on site – 16:15-18:00, Hall A
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
- HS4.2: Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
- HS4.10: Recent advances in (hybrid) hydrological forecasting using physically-based and machine learning models
Posters virtual – 14:00-15:45, vPoster spot A
19:00–20:00, Room B

Wednesday is indeed a long day but full of exciting topics!
Orals – 08:30-10:15, Room 2.31
- HS4.4: Operational forecasting and warning systems for flood, water scarcity and multi-hazards: challenges and innovations
PICO – 10:45–12:30, PICO spot 4
- HS4.5: Novel monitoring and impact-based forecasting approaches for anticipatory action against drought and rainfall-induced hazards
Orals – 14:00–15:45, Room 2.15
- HS4.2: Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management
Orals – 16:15–18:00, Room C
- HS4.6: Sub-seasonal predictions to climate projections of water availability: From scientific advances in climate services that are useful to local knowledge integration in climate services
Orals – 16:15–18:00, Room 2.15
Catch your breath and follow the HS4 innovations!
Join also our Great Debate, Arne Richter Award and John Dalton Medal!
Do not forget the HEPEX dinner as a reward!
- HS4.2: Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management
Orals – 08:30–12:30, Room C
PICO – 10:45–12:30, PICO spot A
10:45–12:30, Room E1
14:05–14:35, Room C
- HS4.3: Probabilistic hydro-meteorological forecasts: ensembles, assimilation, predictive uncertainty, verification and decision making
Orals – 14:00–15:45, Room 2.15
- HS4.10: Recent advances in (hybrid) hydrological forecasting using physically-based and machine learning models
Orals – 16:15–18:00, Room 3.29/30
19:00–20:00, Room B
The pre-party starts with discussion on the future of ML in hydrological forecasting!!! Did someone mention a party?
- HS4.10: Recent advances in (hybrid) hydrological forecasting using physically-based and machine learning models
Orals – 08:30–10:15, Room 3.29/30
Posters – 14:00–15:45, Hall A
- HS4.2: Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve drought risk management
Posters – 14:00–15:45, Hall A
There are many more exciting sessions during the week! View the rest of the programme here and enjoy the conference! Also, remember to get the EGU app and include the sessions and meetings in your personal programme!