HEPEX has had a makeover!
You may have noticed that this website, and the HEPEX social media accounts, are looking a little different.
At the HEPEX workshop in February 2018, it was decided that the HEPEX online platforms could do with a bit of an update, and that HEPEX should finally get an official logo. So a few months ago, we asked for your help to give HEPEX a shiny new logo! The competition received many designs which we put to a public vote before giving the HEPEX co-chairs the final say. We’re pleased to now be able to reveal the winning logo! The design was created by Rafael Pimentel (SMHI). On behalf of the HEPEX community, we would like to say thank you and congratulations to Rafael!
As well as being used for all of HEPEX’s online platforms (this website, and the social media accounts), the new logo is available to download for use by the HEPEX community in presentations, documents, etc., and we even have a few different colour options so you can choose which works best! Click here to access the logo downloads.
Our new website has been designed to make it easier to find and use the wealth of HEPEX resources available through the site, and has new and improved mobile functionalities – so you can read all of our fantastic blog posts from any device you like from now on! Make sure to check out all the fantastic resources and other features such as the HEPEX photo gallery (complete with photos from HEPEX meetings back to 2004!), HEPEX games and presentations from past HEPEX workshops. Do let us know if you come across anything on the website that isn’t working as it should (feedback is always welcome, just leave a comment below or contact us).
Don’t forget to propose a blog post to be featured on the website and let the community know what you’re working on (or about a HEPEX-related challenge, a workshop, a flood or drought event etc. etc. – see here for more ideas and information), and subscribe to receive notifications of new posts and other messages of interest to the HEPEX community!
Stay tuned for an interview with Rafael in an upcoming blog post!
- Rafael Pimentel for his fantastic logo design, Louise Arnal and Shaun Harrigan for running the logo competition, and Simon Witter for producing the final logo files
- Rebecca Emerton for the time spent updating this website and the HEPEX social media
- The HEPEX co-chairs and web team for their input to the website updates
- The web IT team at IRSTEA, who host this website, and in particular to Laurent Guyonneau, who helped make it possible to update the website
- Everyone in the HEPEX community who contributes towards the HEPEX mission!