HEPEX Photo Gallery: come to our meetings and exchange ideas in person with other members!
Click here to see the full interview with John.
More HEPEX-related videos can be seen on the HEPEX YouTube Channel.
Below the photos taken during the past HEPEX workshops.
A permanent, updated version of this gallery now exists in the “About HEPEX” section of this website
Can you spot yourself, your colleagues and friends in these photos?
- HEPEX Initial Workshop, March 2004, ECMWF, Reading, UK
- HEPEX Initial Workshop, March 2004, ECMWF, Reading, UK
- HEPEX Initial Workshop, March 2004, ECMWF, UK
- HEPEX Workshop, July 2005, NOAA, Boulder, USA
- HEPEX Workshop, June 2007, Stresa, Italy
- HEPEX Subgroup Meeting on Uncertainty in Hydrologic Forecasting, June 2008, Delft, The Netherlands
- HEPEX Workshop on Downscaling of Atmospheric Ensemble Forecasts for Hydrologic Applications, June 2009, Toulouse, France
- International Workshop on Data Assimilation for Operational Hydrological Forecasting, November 2010, Delft, The Netherlands
- HEPEX Workshop on Postprocessing and Verification, 2011, Deflt, The Netherlands
- HEPEX Workshop, 2012, Beijing, China
- HEPEX Meets at AGU 2013, San Francisco, USA
- HEPEX-ers at EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- HEPEX Meets at EGU 2014, Vienna, Austria
- 10th Anniversary HEPEX Workshop, June 2014, Maryland, USA
- Joint HEPEX/H-SAF Workshop on Coupled Hydrology, 2014, ECMWF, UK
- HEPEX Workshop on Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting, September 2015, SMHI, Sweden
- HEPEX Workshop on Seasonal Hydrological Forecasting, September 2015, Norrkoping, Sweden
- HEPEX Workshop, June 2016, Quebec, Canada
- HEPEX Workshop, February 2018, Melbourne, Australia