Hydrological Forecasting at EGU 2018: time to write your abstract

You can contribute to advance hydrological predictions and forecasting systems through the presentation of your recent scientific developments, applications and approaches in the operation of hydrologic forecasting systems at the EGU Assembly in 2018.

Why should I go to EGU next year?

  1. Vienna is a beautiful city
  2. We all have a good time in the PICO and Poster sessions
  3. Hepexers always go out and it can be a lot of fun
  4. The oral sessions are a great opportunity to communicate my work
  5. I don’t know, but something tells me I should be there


This year, the sub-division on Hydrological Forecasting, under the umbrella of the Division on Hydrological Sciences, is organizing seven sessions and co-organizing another two. Abstract submission is open until 10 January 2018, 13:00 CET:

Flash floods and associated hydro-geomorphic processes: observation, modelling and warning

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Convener: Isabelle Braud | Co-Conveners: Marcel Hürlimann, Marco Borga, Jonathan Gourley, Massimiliano Zappa, Jose Agustin Brena Naranjo
Predictive uncertainty estimation and data assimilation for hydrological forecasting and decision making

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Convener: Oldrich Rakovec  | Co-Conveners: Albrecht Weerts, Hamid Moradkhani, Marie-Amélie Boucher, Rodolfo Alvarado Montero, Joshua K. Roundy
Ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasting

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Convener: Fredrik Wetterhall  | Co-Conveners: Tomasz Niedzielski, Maria-Helena Ramos, Jan Verkade, Kolbjorn Engeland, Rebecca Emerton
Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve hydro-meteorological risk management

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Convener: Brunella Bonaccorso  | Co-Conveners: Athanasios Loukas, Christel Prudhomme, Micha Werner, Carmelo Cammalleri
Operational forecasting and warning systems for natural hazards: challenges and innovation

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Convener: Michael Cranston  | Co-Conveners: Jan Szolgay, Ilias Pechlivanidis, Femke Davids
From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections: predicting hydrologic extremes and servicing water managers

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Convener: Louise Crochemore  | Co-Conveners: Henning Rust, Bart van den Hurk, Christopher White, Johannes Hunink, Tim aus der Beek, Louise Arnal
From probabilities to preparedness: early action in response to hazard forecasts

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Convener: Gabriela Guimarães Nobre  | Co-Conveners: Konstantinos Bischiniotis, Erin Coughlan de Perez, Brenden Jongman, Liz Stephens, Bart van den Hurk
Advances in statistical post-processing for deterministic and ensemble forecasts (main organization by NP Division)

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Convener: Stéphane Vannitsem  | Co-Conveners: Jakob W. Messner, Daniel S. Wilks
Uncertainty quantification in natural hazard and risk assessments: best practices and lessons learned across different hazards (main organization by NH Division)

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Convener: Paolo Frattini  | Co-Conveners: Daniela Molinari, Yoshiyuki Kaneda, Ivica Vilibic, Sergiy Vorogushyn

Check the full program of the Division on Hydrological Sciences for more sessions.


  • If you are eligible to apply for financial support and want to take this opportunity, you need to submit an abstract by 1 December 2017.
  • Otherwise, the deadline for abstract submission is 10 January 2018. Don’t miss it!

Detailed information on how to submit an abstract can be found here.


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