Summary from H-SAF HEPEX workshops and looking forward
Contributed by Fredrik Wetterhall, Florian Pappenberger, Maria-Helena Ramos and Jan Verkade
Workshops are definitely excellent opportunities to meet colleagues and discuss HEPEX topics. Here follows some recently finished and upcoming opportunities:
- The joint H-SAF and HEPEX workshop at ECMWF in Reading was a great success, thanks to all who attended and contributed
- The group photo was added to the HEPEX Photo Gallery
- You can download the presentations here
- The event is summarised here
- And even watch the HEPEX presentations from the videos register live and made available on the HEPEX Youtube Channel:
- The presentations from the 10th Anniversary HEPEX workshop held in June in Maryland, USA, are now available here.
- Now we look forward to seeing you again at the next HEPEX meeting opportunities:
- At the AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco in December 2014: check the presentations of the session ‘Advances in Hydrometeorological Predictions and Applications’ and check also the program for a HEPEX Splinter Meeting to be planned, or contact the conveners for more information.
- At the EGU General Assembly in Vienna in April 2015: submit your abstract before January 7, 2015 to one of the sessions linked to Hydrological Forecasting:
- Flash floods
- Untangling and reducing predictive uncertainty
- Ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasting
- Drought and water scarcity
- Hydrology for decision-making
- Operational forecasting and warning systems
- At the IAHS/IUGG in Prague in June 2015. See details on the HEPEX session here and submit your abstract before January 31, 2015:
There are also plans to organise a thematic workshop next year and a larger HEPEX workshop in 2016. Keep an eye on HEPEX news and participate!
Coming up next: