Summary from H-SAF HEPEX workshops and looking forward

Contributed by Fredrik Wetterhall, Florian Pappenberger, Maria-Helena Ramos and Jan Verkade

Workshops are definitely excellent opportunities to meet colleagues and discuss HEPEX topics. Here follows some recently finished and upcoming opportunities:

  1. The joint H-SAF and HEPEX workshop at ECMWF in Reading was a great success, thanks to all who attended and contributed
  1. The presentations from the 10th Anniversary HEPEX workshop held in June in Maryland, USA, are now available here.
  1. Now we look forward to seeing you again at the next HEPEX meeting opportunities:

There are also plans to organise a thematic workshop next year and a larger HEPEX workshop in 2016. Keep an eye on HEPEX news and participate!


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