Global Flood Partnership: Report from the 4th workshop 4-6 March 2014 in Reading
Contributed by Fredrik Wetterhall, Florian Pappenberger, Lorenzo Alfieri, JuttaThielen and Tom de Groeve
The 4th workshop of the Global Flood Working Group, hosted at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in the UK, gathered around 90 scientists, practitioners and users to kick off the Global Flood Partnership (GFP). GFP is a unique international forum aimed at developing global flood observational and modelling infrastructure, leveraging on existing initiatives, for better predicting and managing flood disaster impacts and flood risk.
Participants of the 4th Workshop at ECMWF
It has wide buy-in from international organisations, including the European Commission, World Meteorological Organisation, UNISDR, World Bank, World Food Program, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, as it is complementary with existing efforts and has the specific goal of bridging the gap between science and operational/policy needs. In fact, within the coming months the GFP will be delivering daily information on upcoming and ongoing floods to a wide range of different end users including the European Emergency Response Coordination Centre, the World Food Program, national services and private industry. From the scientific point of view, it is the only forum where the meteorological, hydrological, remote sensing and disaster management communities meet to discuss floods at global level, and is attended by top scientists from Europe, America, Asia and Africa.
Poster session and ice breaker
During the workshop we had a chance to interview three key persons in the GFP on their personal view of partnership, Jutta Thielen, Bob Brakenridge and Tom de Groeve.
Jutta Thielen on global flood forecasting:
Bob Brakenridge on global flood observations:
Tom de Groeve on the Global Flood Partnership:
The main objectives and workplan of the GFP care described in this concept paper. If you want to know more, or want to participate in the partnership, please contact us: