Hydrologic Prediction at EGU 2015

image11The EGU General Assembly 2015 convened last week with 11,837 scientists in Vienna, visiting EGU’s 577 scientific sessions, which represented 4,870 oral presentations, 8,489 posters, and 705 PICO presentations.

The sessions in the Hydrological Forecasting sub-division, organized in part by HEPEX members, were again a success. The focus this year was particularly strong in the area of flash flood prediction methods and systems, drought forecasting, and data assimilation techniques using streamflow observations. The PICO sessions with operational forecasting systems also showed the variety of existing tools and operational (or pre-operational) methods that benefit, or can potentially benefit, from ensemble techniques. Questions regarding betting or not on a forecast(er), and the cost of predictions, and false alarms, were also discussed during the ensemble prediction session. We look forward to similar and expanded contributions next year (17 – 22 April 2016), and at the IAHS/IUGG General Assembly meeting in June (Prague).

In the meantime, please consider submitting a blog-length writeup of your experimental results, or descriptions of new operational advances, or even opinions on the state of the science and practice.  Publication as a HEPEX blog means your work will be shared with an even wider audience than is typical at international science conferences — it will reach nearly 400 forecasting enthusiasts who are HEPEX members.


  1. There is a further chance to present HEPEX related science at the EMS conference.

    15th EMS Annual Meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) | 07 – 11 September 2015 | Sofia, Bulgaria


    I can advise you the session I co-convene:

    ASI11: Interfacing hydrological and meteorological models in forecasting system


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