The Hydrological Forecasting Quiz: prepare yourself for EGU 2017

Abstract submission for the European Geosciences Union (EGU) annual assembly in 2017  is open. Do you want to participate, but you don’t know to which session submit an abstract ?

Here’s a quiz to help you! Click below on the sessions proposed by the sub-division on Hydrological Forecasting to learn more about their content, test your knowledge with the quiz and make your choice!

Flash floods and associated hydro-geomorphic processes

What is the difference between a Flood Watch and a Flood Warning issued by the National Weather Service (USA)?

  1. Watch means “We’re not sure” and Warning, “Too late!”
  2. Watch means “Maybe yes, maybe not” and Warning, “Ouch!”
  3. Watch means “Be prepared” and Warning, “Take action!”

Answer here.

Predictability and predictive uncertainty estimation

Is there a predictability pattern in hydrology?

  1. Yes
  2. No
  3. I have no idea, but I am sure some scientists have already studied the question.

Answer here.

Ensemble hydro-meteorological forecasting

Who wrote in a HEPEX blog post in 2014: “(…) trust in your ensembles (or hire 200 experts…)!”

  1. Edward Norton Lorenz
  2. Massimiliano Zappa and Kaethi Liechti
  3. Nobody would ever dare to write this.

Answer here.

Operational forecasting and warning systems

Operational forecasting is something :

  1. I have never done
  2. I am not good at
  3. Most of the HEPEX blog posts talk about it.

Answer here.

Drought and water scarcity

What does EDO stand for?

  1. Existentialist Dromedaries Organization
  2. Enduring Drainage Obsolescence
  3. European Drought Observatory

Answer here.

From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections

What does VESPA have to do with seasonal forecasting?

  1. Vespa is the Portuguese word for “wasp” and wasp nests last for one season only.
  2. Vespa is an Italian brand of scooters and a useful means of transportation when visiting Italy during the most crowded seasons.
  3. VESPA allows estimating seasonal streamflow forecast elasticities using a Variational Ensemble Streamflow Predictability Assessment.

Answer here.

Communication, decision-making and response

Risk-based decision-making is:

  1. Difficult and to be avoided at all costs
  2. Funny when decisions have to be made by others
  3. Inspiring for several HEPEX game makers

Answer here.

Advances in statistical post-processing

Statistical post-processing is something:

  1. I’ve heard about but I have never done
  2. People do when their model outputs are not good
  3. One of the six HEPEX topics

Answer here.

Coupled atmosphere-hydrological modeling

A fully-coupled modeling among hydrometeorologists:

  1. will never happen
  2. may happen in a decade or two
  3. is already happening

Answer here or here or here

And my final question is:

What will the weather be like in the week 23-28 April 2017 in Vienna?

Predictions now and real-time onsite observations later are both welcome in the reply box below!


The HEPEX community is warmly invited to contribute to advance hydrological predictions and forecasting systems through the presentation of their recent scientific developments, innovative applications and approaches in the operation of hydrologic forecasting systems at the EGU Assembly in 2017. These deadlines should be kept in mind:
  • If you are eligible to apply for financial support (check conditions here) and want to take this opportunity, you need to submit an abstract by 1 December 2016.
  • Otherwise, the deadline for abstract submission is 11 January 2017. Don’t miss the date!


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