Quiz: Can you guess the city by looking at its river from space?

Contributed by Calum Baugh, Maria-Helena Ramos and Florian Pappenberger

Here are eight cities (and their rivers) seen from Google Earth. Can you recognize them?

Since nobody seems to have guessed the quiz we had in a previous post, we provide for each city/river some clues. Additionally, keep in mind the general clue for all of them: there is at least one Hepex member living in (or very close by) each of these cities (you don’t need to guess who they are…)

River 1: ‘Flooding often coincides with high tides in this city, its barrier can protect against storm surges…but for how long?’

Answer: London, River Thames

River 2: ‘The river drains the second largest lake in this country, industry thrived along its banks leading to the nickname Little Manchester.’

Answer: Norrköping, Motala ström

River 3: ‘This river drains the lake which is eponymous from this city, flowing northwest, its steep gradient means there are 10 hydroelectric stations along its route prior to its confluence.’

Answer: Zurich, Limmat River

River 4: ‘Apparently, here, (non-hydrologists) tourists are often confused about the terms “right bank” and “left bank” and may spend hours trying to figure out which side of the river they are standing on.’

Answer: Paris and surrounding area, Seine River

River 5: ‘Heavy rain and catastrophic flooding was particularly observed in September 2013. They say the event went quickly from bad to worse. It was eight days, 1,000-year rain, 100-year flood.’

Answer: Boulder Canyon (The story of Boulder County’s Flood of 2013)

River 6: ‘The canals somewhat dwarf the river here; perhaps hepexers will be more familiar with the beer to which the river lends its name.’

Answer: Amsterdam, Amstel River

River 7: ‘Flooding occurred along this river in May 2017 when nearly double the April rainfall average fell; however this city was spared any damage, with the worst affected being the cities upstream.’

Answer: Quebec city, St. Lawrence River

River 8: ‘Heavy flood protection prevents many floods in this city, but in 2014 the flooding resulted primarily from moderate rainfall combined with 111 km/h winds ‘pushing’ water upriver.’

Answer: Melbourne, Yarra river (check the news on the floods here, while we hope you’re planning to get to know the Yarra River in more detail soon!)

So, how many cities have you guessed right?


  1. Great idea, but this is though! I shamefully admit that I got only 3/8. Or perhaps 3.5/8, if a city with similar characteristics and in the same country as the good answer can count as 0.5

  2. Nice quiz – but I am afraid I did little better that Marie-Amélie; Thames, Limmat, and of course the Amstel were my 3! Afraid I did not get the half though. Perhaps the a shift towards drought is a good thing. Looking forward to check out the Yarra River from the ground next year!

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