Research Projects!
Hydrological Ensemble Prediction is a relatively young research field with a large amount of opportunities and unexplored scientific topics (see Science and Implementation Plan). There are numerous research grants, research projects, fellowships and PhD/MSc thesis dealing with issues described in the science plan. Some of the existing projects have already been described on this HEPEX site (see here). Knowing more about what people are doing can help us in better focusing our efforts and exchanging methods and practices.
This post aims to collect general information on past, recent and future projects for a better overview of the topics been investigated by the community. Please contribute filling in the survey below! It will take you no more than a few minutes and will be a precious contribution to HEPEX.
Responses can be anonymous or you can add your name. And if you want to communicate further about your project, you are very welcome! You can either write a blog post (need advice? contact me) or add a comment to this post.
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