What are you doing 6-8 June 2016?
Contributed by the 2016 HEPEX Workshop organizing committee
In a year or so, we will be holding a general HEPEX Workshop in the city of Quebec in Canada. It will take place 6-8 June 2016. You can already save the date in your agenda.
Quebec City
Besides organizing topical workshops on specific subjects in hydrological ensemble prediction (see for instance the next workshop on seasonal forecasting to be held in September 2016), HEPEX also organizes general meetings where a large variety of topics can be discussed and new challenges emerge (see the previous meetings in Maryland 2014, Beijing 2012, Stresa 2007, Boulder 2005 and Reading 2004 here)
The workshop in Quebec will be the 6th International HEPEX Workshop, and the first to be held after its 10th anniversary meeting in Maryland in 2014. We thought that a theme would be useful to guide our exchanges, and for 2016 it is ‘Ensemble for better hydrological forecasts’.
Why ‘Ensemble for better hydrological forecasts’?
Ensemble for better hydrological forecasts is not only a call to draw attention to the numerous advantages of pooling efficient hydrological solutions to enhance operational forecasting and decision-making. It also stresses the need for more human collaborations all along the modelling chain, i.e. among modellers, forecasters, users, and decision-makers. ‘Ensemble’ in French means ‘together’, ‘as a whole’, and evokes a ‘unity’ or a ‘group’ forming a whole from separate parts. Nothing could fit better the HEPEX community!
Keep updated and participate
A specific page was set up in the HEPEX Portal and will be continuously updated to keep you informed about the event. Check here or on the main menu: 2016 HEPEX Workshop
And if you want to actively participate in the organization of the workshop, or if you have any ideas you want to bring forward, just add a comment to this post or contact the organizers.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Quebec City next year.