Workshop: Forecasting Rainfall-Induced Hazards at European Scale

logo_harenThe workshop is a collaborative effort with the EU Emergency Response Centre (DG ECHO) to show the results of this demonstration project, and specially the high-resolution system for rainfall monitoring and short-term forecasting that has been developed to support the anticipation of rainfall-induced hazards at European scale based on the European radar precipitation composites generated within the EUMETNET program OPERA.

It is oriented to Emergency managers from Civil Protection Centres and to the meteorological forecasters from the National Meteorological Services supporting them, and it wants to promote a discussion about how to face together the challenge of forecasting rainfall-induced hazards at European Scale in the XXI century.

The Workshop will be held at the EU Emergency Response Centre (DG ECHO), in Brussels.
You can find the webpage of the course at  which includes the program and the registration.

The workshop is organised as an activity co-financed by the Civil Protection Financial Instrument. Due to the security measures at the entrance of the Emergency Response Centre only prior REGISTERED attendees will be able to participate.
Please register yourself at


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