Hydrological Forecasting at Virtual EGU 2021

The EGU 2021 Annual General Assembly (vEGU21) will take place from 19–30 April 2021, and due to the challenging Covid-19 situation, this event will be a virtual one. We shall nevertheless grasp all opportunities to get updated on the recent scientific insights and developments and also to virtually socialize with friends and colleagues.

From the Austria Centre (Vienna) in 2019 to our “Home Conference” Centre in 2020 and 2021.

To suport the EGU HS Hydrological Forecasting subdivision efforts and make vEGU21 a big success this year too, see below the sessions that are relevant to HEPEXers. Do not forget to submit your abstract for vEGU21 by the 13th January at 13.00 CET. The sessions below marked with EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) have convener teams that fulfil the EGU criteria on gender, career stage and origin. 


HS4.1 EDI (co-organized by NH1)

Flash floods and rainfall induced hydro-geomorphic hazards: from observation to forecasting and warning

Convener: Olivier Payrastre; Co-conveners: Clàudia Abancó, Jonathan Gourley, Pierre Javelle, Massimiliano Zappa

HS4.2 EDI (co-organized by NH1)

Drought and water scarcity: monitoring, modelling and forecasting to improve hydro-meteorological risk management

Convener: Brunella Bonaccorso; Co-conveners: Carmelo Cammalleri, Athanasios Loukas, Micha Werner


Ensemble and probabilistic hydro-meteorological forecasts: predictive uncertainty, verification and decision making

Convener: Albrecht Weerts; Co-conveners: Fredrik Wetterhall

HS4.4 (co-organized by NH9)

Operational forecasting and warning systems for natural hazards: challenges and innovations

Convener: Céline Cattoën-Gilbert; Co-conveners: Michael Cranston, Femke Davids, Ilias Pechlivanidis


Reducing the impacts of natural hazards through forecast-based action: from early warning to early action

Convener: Marc van den Homberg; Co-conveners: Andrea Ficchi, Gabriela Guimarães Nobre, David MacLeod, Annegien Tijssen


From sub-seasonal forecasting to climate projections: predicting water availability and servicing water sectors

Convener: Louise Arnal; Co-conveners: Tim aus der Beek, Louise Crochemore, Andrew Schepen, Christopher White

HS4.7 (co-organized by NH1)

Emerging approaches for hydrologic-hydraulic modelling for simulation of urban floods

Convener: Sanjaykumar Yadav; Co-conveners: Ramesh Teegavarapu, Biswa Bhattacharya, Rashmi Yadav

NP5.3 (co-organized by CL5.2/HS4)

Advances in statistical post-processing, blending and verification of deterministic and ensemble forecasts

Convener: Stéphane Vannitsem; Co-conveners:  Stephan Hemri, Sebastian Lerch, Maxime Taillardat, Daniel S. Wilks


Note that there are many more exciting sessions during vEGU21. View the rest of the programme and aim as always to enjoy the conference!

Till then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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