Joint Virtual Workshop 2021

“Connecting global to local hydrological modelling and forecasting: scientific advances and challenges”

The next HEPEX Workshop will be held virtually, co-organized by ECMWF – CEMS – C3S – HEPEX – GFP

When: 29 June 2021 – 1 July 2021

Website: Joint Workshop


  • Day 1 will focus on recent advances in global and large-scale hydrological modelling used in water cycle predictions up to medium-range, and in monitoring applications such as regional and global reanalyses. We will discuss the challenges involved in attaining skilful estimations of the water fluxes and reservoirs in the range of 1 to 25 km resolutions, and making the best use of Earth Observations (EO) to calibrate, validate or verify model outputs.
  • Day 2 and Day 3 will focus on connecting large scale to local needs and decision making, as well as catchment-scale advances in hydrometeorological forecasting. We will discuss current approaches and challenges of hydrological ensemble forecasting and monitoring.

The HEPEX community is invited to participate and send an abstract covering any of the following topics:

  • Meteorological and hydrological predictability and forecast skill
  • Communicating ensemble forecasts and uncertainty to support decision-making in practice
  • Forecasting hydrological extremes with ensemble-based approaches: floods and droughts
  • Ensemble forecasts for river level and water management: navigation, agriculture, hydropower, water supply, environmental management, etc.
  • Chaining flood forecasting models to inundation models: approaches, challenges and perspectives
  • Best practices on evaluating the quality of sub-seasonal to seasonal hydrometeorological forecasts and extracting useful information to local applications in the water sector
  • Showcases of services tailored to specific user needs (e.g., emergency managers at different stages before, during and after severe floods, and water managers using global forecast systems for local applications)
  • Use of new datasets and different approaches to improve forecasting systems and risk assessment: contribution of soft data, big data, remote sensing, earth observations, crowdsourced datasets, and artificial intelligence
  • Socio-economic vulnerability assessment, flood damage prediction, and using impact data in real-time forecasting chains and in post-event analyses
  • Forecast economic value at different space and time scales
  • Fostering the science-policy interface in hydrological forecasting
  • Forecasters’ expertise in (semi)automated systems: current practice and future needs


The event will engage and link the wider research and user community through a range of keynote talks, plenary debate Q&A sessions, short presentations, and virtual networking activities.

The format of the workshop will be interactive and participants will have the opportunity to connect with people and their work through different sessions.

The event will be in English.


Abstract submission: here Until 31 March 2021
Letter of acceptance 30 April 2021
Letter of schedule 15 May 2021
Final announcement with agenda 15 May 2021
Online registration: here Until 22 June 2021
Online workshop 29 June to 1 July 2021



The workshop is organized under the umbrella of ECMWF, the Copernicus services CEMS and C3S, the Hydrological Ensemble Prediction EXperiment (HEPEX) and the Global Flood Partnership (GFP).

Organising committee:

  • Hannah Cloke (University of Reading, UK)
  • Ilias Pechlivanidis (SMHI, Sweden)
  • Christel Prudhomme (ECMWF, UK)
  • Maria-Helena Ramos (INRAE, France)
  • Peter Salamon (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy)

Local contact: