Organization & Contact

Organizing Committee:

Scientific Committee:

  • Jeff Arnold (USACE Institute for Water Resources, USA)
  • Levi Brekke (US Bureau of Reclamation, USA)
  • James Brown (Hydrologic Solutions, UK)
  • Walter Collischonn (IPH-UFRGS, Brazil)
  • Julie Demargne (HYDRIS Hydrologie, FR)
  • Qingyun Duan (Beijing Normal University, China)
  • Maria-Helena Ramos (IRSTEA, France)
  • John Schaake (Consultant, USA)
  • DJ Seo (The University of Texas at Arlington, USA)
  • Jan Verkade (Deltares, The Netherlands)
  • Nathalie Voisin (USDOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA)
  • QJ Wang (CSIRO, Australia)
  • Kevin Werner (NOAA CBRFC, USA)
  • Diana Lucatero (U. Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Jean-Francois Villaume (United Nations University, Japan)
  • Hannah Cloke (University of Reading, UK)
  • Fredrik Wetterhall (ECMWF)

Local contact:

Ken Pavelle
NOAA / National Weather Service
Office of Hydrologic Development
(301) 713-0640 x 183 |