Contributed by Calum Baugh, Maria-Helena Ramos and Florian Pappenberger Here are eight cities (and their rivers) seen from Google Earth. […]
Contributed by: Nate Chaney (Princeton University) and Andy Newman (NCAR) The ever-increasing volume of global environmental data and the continual […]
Contributed by Calum Baugh, Maria-Helena Ramos and Florian Pappenberger Here are four rivers seen from Google Earth. Can you recognize […]
Contributed by Andreas Hartmann, Axel Bronstert, Bettina Schaefli The discussion about which scale is the most relevant for water resources […]
Contributed by Florian Pappenberger and Maria-Helena Ramos (both considerably beyond the early career stages, they admit) (this post can also […]
by Marie-Amélie Boucher and Vincent Boucher Assessing the value of forecasts is a very popular topic among the HEPEX community. […]